Portable Lighting: Task Lamps

Shady Lady Lighting has a very large range of portable Lighting (Table Lamps and Floor Lamps), both in store and available to order. These range in size and design from small bedside lamps to large standard (Floor) Lamps. We have modern, comtemporary, funky, traditional, industrial, retro and lots more.

Freight & Terms of Trade

GA10885 Equipoise Large Black
GA10887 Equipoise Large White
GA10883 Equipoise Med Black
GA10884 Equipoise Med White
SL39097 Caddy
SL39527 Elfin
SL39393 Nick
SL39263 Zero
GA13372 Arlo Black Floor
GA13373 Arlo White Floor
GA13527 Arlo Black TL
GA13528 Arlo White TL
CL39556 Pastel White
CL39557 Pastel Black
CL39558 Pastel Pink
CL39559 Pastel Grey
CL39560 Pastel Green
SL39059 Regis

Shady Lady Lighting • Lower Hutt, Wellington, NZ • Ph 04-939-2829 • Wholesale 04-567-9797 • sales@shadyladylighting.co.nz